Friday, January 23, 2015

Are We Living In a Post-PC Era?

I read an article this week on Yahoo! today that really caught my attention. In summary, the article suggested the end of a PC dominated community due to new and emerging technologies such as tablets and smart phones. I think this is an issue that has been around since the emergence of the iPhone, but I'm not sure it holds as much weight as the article suggests...

photo of a personal computer (pc)

Are we really likely to give up our desktops and PC's?

I started to really think about this once I skimmed this article. Yes, iPhone and tablet sales have been steadily rising in the past few years. So has the development of Apps that are not compatible on common PC's, but what about everything else we do? I think we still use PC's as an anchor to work out from.

Think about all of your devices your phone, tablet, laptop, personal computer, etc. They all serve different purposes and you use / work with them in different ways. I know I like to have emails sent to my phone, but I would much rather respond to them on my laptop. I also don't like viewing Microsoft documents solely on my iPad, but I use my iPad everyday for news catchup and music. Each device does something better than the others and I'm not sure there is going to be as much replacing as some of the experts think.

I could be missing a huge technological trend, however, I predict that smart phone and tablet sales will continue to increase as we continue to use more and more devices in our personal and work life, but PC's will remain to be the most productive tool on your desk.

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Saturday, January 17, 2015

Albert Einstein's Business Advice

I found this infographic that highlights Albert Einstein's advice for businesses and companies.

13 Business Secrets from Albert Einstein

All of these quotes resonated with me and put business into perspective for me. I really like Einstein's quotes; "If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough." and "If you want to live a happy life, tie it to a goal. Not to people or things."

Businesses seem to fail because they lack a clear vision. They also may lack a clear way to accomplishing cede vision. Keep your business simple and don't clutter your life with unnecessary what if's and speculations.

Lastly, business without passion is just that, business as usual. You develop your own happiness, so create a goal that you can tie happiness too.

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Sales go up and down....

I found this image on pinterest and I liked it enough to share it here. I think business owners often lose sight of what matters... THEIR CUSTOMERS! Don't be so focused on bringing in new business that the quality of your work decreases.

Sales go up and down. Service stays forever.
How do you stay focused on your current customers? #business #startups #sales

Monday, January 12, 2015

Mark Cuban's 12 Rules for Startups

 I recently found an awesome infographic with Mark Cuban's 12 Rules for Startups. I loved it enough to share it again. My analysis of the first 5 can be found below:
a list of mark cuban's 12 rules for startups. what a genius!

 1. Don't start a startup unless it's an obsession and something you love.

I think this holds true for every business and industry you dabble in. Company percentage failures are high, so founders need to be hold true to their vision and the love for the grind will help them pivot and change course when times get hard (which they will).

2. If you have an exit strategy, it's not an obsession.

This bounces off of rule #1. If you always have a plan B then you will never do everything in your power to make sure plan A is a success. Exit strategy = acceptance of failure.

3. Hire people who you think will love working there.

Statistic after statistic show the differences in employees who love their jobs compared to the ones that dread coming to work. Working in a startup is difficult and unsettling, however, a solid team is crucial to success. A solid team will support the overall infrastructure and push your projects forward.

4. Sales cure all.

You may have a great idea or product, but until you have a paying customer, YOU HAVE NO BUSINESS. Handling the difficulties that come along with running a startup is easier to handle when you have inflows that can support your projects and ideas.

5. Know your core competencies and focus on being great at them.

I think businesses often fail because they try to do too much with their limited resources. It's better to be amazing at 1 single thing than mediocre at various things. Focus on what matters, your skills and environment and you will find success.